



 Skin Dynamics client makes these comments..."Microcurrent has changed my life....this is after my series of treatments! I loved the face machine so much that I recently started body treatments and lost 12" during my first session. Of course part of that initial loss is fluid and lymph drainage, but after three weeks, and two more treatments I am still losing inches. I am loving the results of microcurrent!!!"

Celebrity Testimonials of Neurotris Systems

Editer of Vogue MagazineVogue Magazine discovers an arm-toning, waist-cinching, thigh-whittling machine that promises miracles in minutes. "For a month I get my hips and abs zapped weekly. I watch my diet and the inches stay off."
Marina Rust

An American actress, television personality, and socialite, best known for her marriage to businessman celebrity Donald Trump."I have really enjoyed my time with Sally at Sienna Skin Care. Her special care and amazing SX4000 treatment has left me feeling refreshed, happy and with tighter and firmer skin. And that's a good thing for those days at the beach!"
Marla Maples


More testimonies from local clients

Sandi says,"Pam is the miracle worker, the microcurrent treatments have totally changed my life."


Brenda says, "I continually get compliments on my skin and I give the credit to Pam's microcurrent treatments. I must admit I love looking much younger and better than I did even 10 years ago!


Sandra says," I love Pam's relaxing bacials(back treatments), nothing has ever relaxed me the way those treatments do. I am also impressed with microdermabrasion treatments and my results. The combination of microdermabrasion and dermalogica skin care is taking my skin to a new level of renewal and clarity."


Tammy says,"thank goodness I found Pam,my skin has made a major change with microcurrent treatments and I am loving the dermalogica skin care. Microcurrent has lifted my face and plumped my skin in a major way! Pam has even gotten me to stay out of the sun, which is no small feat!"


Becky says,"Pam's treatments are game changers, have had face and body microcurrent treatments and both deliver amazing results!"